Caring For Plant

Review of ornamental plants and horticulture

Friday, September 2, 2022

Torch Glow Bougainvillea : Caring for, Nursery and Pruning Sizes Bonsai in Pots for Shrubs Waterwise Botanicals

Torch Glow Bougainvillea : Caring for, Nursery and Pruning Sizes Bonsai in Pots for Shrubs Waterwise Botanicals

Torch Glow Bougainvillea - Caring for, Nursery and Pruning Sizes Bonsai in Pots for Shrubs Waterwise Botanicals

The bougainvillea flower plant is an ornamental plant that is quite popular among flower lovers. This plant is very unique. If you are not a good enough plant watcher, you will think that the colors in the bougainvillea flower are the flowers of the bougainvillea itself.

baby it's wrong. The beautiful bougainvillea is seen by the eyes of the audience because this flower has a sheath in the sense that it is like a fake flower. as if it was a bougainvillea flower but it wasn't. The bougainvillea itself is as small as the tip of a pen. if you look very closely you can find it.

Bougainvillea itself has a classification in the world of scientific naming or biological names as follows: Tracheophyta Division, Spermatophytina Subdivision, Order Caryophyllales, Family Nyctaginaceae, Genus Bougainvillea and 5 well-known species namely Bougainvillea buttiana, Bougainvillea glabra, Bougainvillea peruviana, Bougainvillea spinvillea spec.

you need to know that a flower scarf that is sometimes purple, orange, white is very useful for humans. for now there are 2 benefits that I know of. take a good look at it:

first. you can measure the pH of a substance. The correct way to do this is by mixing water and the substance whose pH is to be measured, you can determine whether a substance is alkaline or acidic. The bougainvillea is an amazing plant.

Second, this plant is good for health. reported from wikipedia quoting from an Indonesian national named Nurdiyanto from the city of Bojonegoro, Indonesia, processing this plant leaf as a drink that is good for health.

What is a torch glow bougainvillea?

Bougainvillea is a very unique type of bougainvillea. Yes, it has a smaller scarf size than other bougainvillea flowers. however, the distance between the scarf is very close so the flowers will look more lush. This type of bougainvillea has quite a leaf. You need to know that bougainvillea itself has the property of shedding leaves at times.

How big does a torch glow bougainvillea get?

If you live in a non-tropical area then you will see that the growth of this flower cannot reach 10 meters, it is another thing if in the tropics this flower can reach more than 10 meters. The bougainvillea will get bigger if it is moved from the pot to the ground (not growing in a pot). This flower's height depends on the availability of a place for it to propagate. the better the place of propagation, the higher it will be. In Indonesia, this flower has been formed in various forms. and this plant is very good if it is formed into a gate in our house.

How do you care for a bougainvillea torch glow?

Caring for bougainvillea is not difficult. enough to provide water for the needs of plant metabolism, then you're done. I recommend fertilization as follows:

dry the pot size media 10 kg -20 kg for 3 days. then flush with as much as 2 liters of water with mixed chemical fertilizer NPK 16:16:16 as much as 0.5 tablespoons. then treat as usual. Fertilization is enough to do once a month.

How much water does a torch glow bougainvillea need?

If your area is sub tropical or has 4 seasons. then you simply keep the soil moist. if you have a pot size of 10 kg - 20 kg of media weight, 0.5 liters of water for 3 days with a note that before watering the soil is moist and not dry.

if you are in the tropics you have a pot size of 10 kg - 20 kg of media weight, 1 liter of water for 3 days with a note that before watering the soil is moist and not dry.

if your area is close to the desert you have a pot size of 10 kg - 20 kg of media weight, 1 liter of water for 1 day with a note that before watering the soil is moist and not dry.

Does Torch Glow bougainvillea have thorns?

yes, torch glow bougainvillea flowers have thorns. Please note that the thorns on this flower are non-toxic and smaller in size compared to other bougainvillea flowers.

How do you treat yellow leaves on bougainvillea?

on the basis of plants will be problematic on 2 things. namely because of disease and due to lack of nutrition. yellow leaves due to disease will usually cause symptoms, previously attacked by pests (eg mealybugs), mucus, or fungus. if there are mushrooms, you have to give fungicides, while if you find mucus in the leaves, please give battericides. leaves that lack nitrogen nutrients usually have an even yellow color, you have to give nitrogen fertilizer (urea) which is sown or sprayed with a dose of 1 liter of water / 3 grams of urea fertilizer. If the yellow color of the leaves is uneven, aka it still looks green, only the edges, then the leaves lack magnesium. please give dolomite fertilizer or water-soluble magnesium fertilizer.

Author : Alfian
Editor : Alfian

Reference :
1. Personal experience
2. Knowledge learned during college majoring in Agriculture
3. Searchable literature sources online

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Bougainvillea : How To Plant, Grow And Prune in Pots Home Guides Maximum Bloom To The Perfect Shape

Bougainvillea : How To Plant, Grow And Prune in Pots Home Guides Maximum Bloom To The Perfect Shape

Bougainvillea : How To Plant, Grow And Prune in Pots Home Guides Maximum Bloom To The Perfect Shape

It is quite easy to prune the plant. houseplants such as bougainvillea are hardy woody plants. so it doesn't matter if you cut it even if you have no experience. if you cut just to trim I think it's fine.

But it's different if you prune for the purposes of plant propagation. for example grafting shoots or stem cuttings to increase the color of flowers. If you are in doubt, you can follow my advice.

1. Cut the part you want to cut
2. try to cut it with scissors but it must break immediately
3. Rub the part with fungicides and bactericides or you can give the injured part with wax
4. Place the pruned plant in a shady area or not exposed to direct sunlight and not exposed to rain.
Should I prune my potted bougainvillea?

Some reasons to prune ornamental plants "planting medium with an unbalanced number of twigs and leaves. It can be taken for example that a large body requires a large intake of food as well. if your planting medium is small, try your plant according to the planting medium. if the plant is too large while the planting medium is small, then if you do not give fertilizer regularly then your ornamental plants will not flower."

In pruning bougainvillea flower plants there is no standard recommendation of how many centimeters you should cut. it's just the treatment after cutting and cutting conditions that you should pay attention to.

treat after trimming I have explained above. please re-read. in terms of cutting you must leave enough leaves to carry out the photosynthesis process and not cut all the leaves and twigs.

There are two most ideal times for pruning plants. in the morning and evening. these two times is the general recommendation for all plants in pruning. a strong reason is that at this time the sun is not too hot. The strong heat of the sun will make the pruned parts release a lot of fluid from the plant's body. so this is not good for plant development.

the afternoon is the best recommendation in pruning. The reason is because it will include the night phase. Try to keep the pruned plants from getting rained on, so when you trim the plants you have to read the weather conditions on that day. whether it's sunny or rainy. To increase safety, put plants in the house.

Broadly speaking, in the world of agriculture that focuses on ornamental plants, there are 2 methods commonly used.

1. meet the nutritional needs of plants
Many nutrients will produce a lot of energy for the growth of plant photosynthesis. This gift exists directly and indirectly.

1.a. fertilizer application is included in the direct category
you can give compost with a ratio of 1: 3 with the old planting medium. This will improve the chemical properties, physical properties and biological properties of the growing media. if you want to give chemical fertilizers or factory fertilizers to potted plants, then stress from the water for 2-3 days then prepare 2 liters of water and mix it with 1 tablespoon of NPK fertilizer 16:16:16 (nitrogen phosphorus potassium) sprinkle it on the plants do it 1 time a month.

1.b. transfer to the ground in the indirect category
Believe it or not, transplanting plants from pots to soil will increase the size of the plants. This is because the nutrients in the soil are quite a lot. if the soil looks less fertile then stay calm, if this displacement occurs, the plant roots will expand this will increase the coverage area in absorbing nutrients in the soil.

2. create new shoots
pruning is done to create new shoots. these shoots will develop by absorbing the nutrients that were already available. This is what will make your plants grow thicker.

There are several possibilities for this to happen:
1. not getting good nutrition/fertilizer/plant media
2. Stress lack of water
3. Very old plant age
4. the number of leaves is too much
5. your plants are affected by the disease

watering depends on the size of the pot you have. Please note that plants need moist soil not soil that is flooded with water. The best irrigation is all the planting media is wet but does not seep to the floor. if this happens, the nutrients in the media will quickly run out and you will quickly have to replace the planting medium. keep the soil wet. watering is recommended 1 time in 2 days. Keep in mind that watering has several functions including:
1. to meet the metabolic needs of plants
2. maintain the temperature of the growing media
3. maintain the biological properties of the growing media

The bougainvillea flower is a tropical plant. will grow well at a temperature of 26-35 degrees Celsius. but what if it is brought to a sub-tropical country where the temperature can reach minus? the answer is simple. increase the temperature and still provide light.

Prepare the room, then buy an ultraviolet lamp and set the room temperature to 30-32 degrees Celsius.

I divide fertilization into 2 phases;
1. leaf propagation phase
always try before you want a lot of flowers, you put the leaves first. because if you force the resulting flower is a stress flower in the sense that the plant is flowering because it wants to pass down offspring as if it will die the next day.

I highly recommend a 16:16:16 ratio NPK fertilizer combined with Urea and a little dolomite. please look for a comparison of the three. usually in 2 months the leaves will be thick.

2. flowering phase
if the leaf propagation phase has reached 2 months, please add fertilizer that contains phosphorus and potassium. for this I recommend fertilizers containing KNO3.

Author : Alfian
Editor : Alfian

Reference :
1. Personal experience
2. Knowledge learned during college majoring in Agriculture
3. Searchable literature sources online